Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Law of Attraction- Does it Work?

I've read The Secret and other Law of Attraction type books. I believe there is plenty of truth to it. When you have negative thoughts, a series of negative events are going to occur. For instance, if I constantly dwell on getting sick, sure enough I get sick pretty badly. And when you think positive thoughts, you'll experience more positivity. In my case, I still may experience illness but it may be mild and tolerable if I force myself to remain in a positive frame of mind. Thinking positively can be a huge challenge when frequently faced with extremely uncomfortable situations like constant poor health. But it can be done and this is something I am aiming to practice all of the time. In that case, the Law of Attraction definitely works. If you truly see yourself getting through a tough situation, you can do it. Or if you are certain you won't get through the situation, sure enough you won't. But I also believe that a lot of what was said in those books is too far fetched for me to believe.

I have a hard time fathoming that you can attract things that are out of your control such as making every green light to work. One book that I had read had a part in it that said if you put your mind to it, you can even get an apologetic phone call from someone who had hurt you from years ago. That is highly unlikely to happen unless you contact that person first and express your frustration with him/her. Even then he/she may still not either respond back or believe that he/she had wronged you in any way. It is impossible to manipulate events to occur that are completely out of your control with positive thinking. That is simply being stuck in a fantasy world. Sorry, not trying to be a pessimist- just a realist.

So does The Law of Attraction work? My answer is- Yes AND No.

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