Saturday, April 10, 2010

Struck by Lightening Seven Times, but you Would Never Guess the Cause of his Death!

Here we go. Me, dealing with the same health crap that I do not intend to bore you to death with. So I decided to get back to this after a few days of hell, should I add? Now I found one hell of an article to blog about, once again from my beloved site ! And you can only guess what this is about. Some dude that not only gets struck by lightening and suffers hardly any long lasting effects from it- SEVEN TIMES!! But after all of that, he died anyway. And what had killed him is gonna blow you away. Here is the article, and once again the red comments are mine!

US Park Ranger Roy C. Sullivan from Virginia holds the
record for the person most times struck by lightning -
and living to tell the tale. Between 1942 and 1983,
Roy has the dubious distinction of being struck by
lightning seven times. He was known as the
Human Lightning Rod.

Unbelievable! He was hit by lightening
for just over four decades,
seven times. Who in the hell would
be alive to tell such a story?
Apparently not Roy, he is
dead and you won't believe what
had killed him after that. More to
come later on that.

The first lightning strike in 1942 happened as he was
working up in a lookout tower and the lighting bolt
shot through his leg and knocked his big toenail off.

Shot through his leg and knocked his big toenail off??
I'm sorry but HAHAHAHA something really funny
about that! "Oh you are not gonna believe
what happened to me last night- I was
struck by lightening- but I am not fried. I am
okay other than the fact I do not have my
big toenail anymore"- okay I am sure it is
painful to have your nail blown off but
if that was the worst of it for him,
what a lucky fucker!! In fact who knows,
maybe the toenail had lots of fungus
under it, so it could have been for
the best. EWWWWWW

In 1969 while he was driving along a mountain road
a second strike burned off his eyebrows and knocked
him unconscious. Another strike just a year later,
while he was walking across his yard to get the mail,
left his shoulder seared.

It is a miracle that not only did he survive the
second strike while he was driving, but became
unconscious while driving which he apparently
survived. And hey maybe it was time for
that brow to go. Maybe it was getting just
too long. I know for men it's not a big deal
but I am just saying... it may have started
looking bad on him. And that third time he
was struck, his poor shoulder must have killed
but miraculously enough, HE wasn't killed!!
Three times, and with one of those times
he also survived a potential car disaster.

He was standing in the office at the ranger station
in 1972 when lightning set his hair on fire and Roy
had to throw a bucket of water over his head to
cool off. A year later,after his hair had grown back,
a lightning bolt ripped through his hat and hit him on
the head, setting his hair on fire again. It threw him
out of his truck, knocked his left shoe off and seared
his legs. A sixth strike hit him in 1976 while he
was checking on a campsite, injuring his ankle.

Unbelievable!! Okay let me get this straight. He
was sitting in his office while he was struck for
the fourth time and his hair was set on fire. I guess
him and Michael Jackson would have commiserated
at some point much later on. And I am sure
Michael Jackson would have been amazed that
ALL that happened to him was his hair being set
on fire. At least a bucket of water saved him, but
sadly not his hair. But after his hair had grown back
it happened again for the fifth time while he was
driving his truck??? And it hit his head again?? Ah
there goes his hair, after waiting all of that time for
it to grow back, AGAIN. And there went him on the
ground, along with his left shoe, and ouch... poor legs!
And after all of that, he survived. And when it happened
the sixth time at the campsite, he became even luckier.
Injuring his ankle--- oh wow! What a lucky fucker!!

The last lightning bolt to hit Roy in 1977
happened while he was fishing. It sent
him to hospital with chest and stomach burns.

He got struck by lightening seven times and
suffered from chest and stomach burns.
What a lucky fucker!! That is all I have to say!
A toenail gone (which probably had fungus
anyway), an eye brown gone (which was
probably ugly to begin with), hair burned off
twice from two different strikes (and who knows
maybe he had lice, sure way to get rid of it), a loss
of a shoe, and a loss of his dignity with some of those
burns which did not sound so severe to begin with.
Oh, and how can I forget the one time he was
knocked unconscious while driving, he manages
to survive that. If he had been struck two more
times with minimal affects- he would have been
a cat!!!

Roy Sullivan was never killed by lighting
- he committed suicide while in his 70's
in 1983 reportedly distraught over
the loss of a woman.

What? After surviving all of those
lightening strikes, he killed himself
over a broken heart?? Was he crazy?
After surviving seven miracles, he
dies in his own hands. What did he do?
Put his finger into an electric socket?
No not likely. He would have survived that.
Doesn't matter how he did it. That to me,
after surviving being struck by lightening
seven times and then taking your own life
is..... insane? No that is an understatement.

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